Diamond Turning
Manufacturing high performance mid and long wave infrared aspherical optical lenses and elements.
Manufacturing high performance mid and long wave infrared aspherical optical lenses and elements.
Rochester Precision Optics designs and manufactures high performance mid and long wave infrared aspherical optical lenses and elements utilizing Precision Molding and Diamond Turning technologies. Our 110,000 square foot facility is capable of producing infrared optics for prototypes to large quantities quickly and cost effectively.
Rochester Precision Optics has extensive experience and equipment for diamond turning and deterministic grinding of many materials useful in the infrared. This expertise is offered as a build-to-print service and provides prototypes to high-volume production. Our diamond turning facility is staffed with toolmakers with 15+ years of experience in diamond turning and optical tool surface generation. Infrared optics are available in a broad range of diameters from a few millimeters to 60mm with errors of less than 1/10 λ.
From rapid prototype to high-volume production, RPO leads in IR optics. Standard and custom designs are just the start — download our full product catalog for more information or contact us to discuss your needs.